What in incredibly sad and painful day for the Pet Talk family...a day to reflect on the reality of life, the value of loved ones, and the true essence of friends. A day to remember the member that has left us, and the wonderful thoughtful posts he left behind in posts that will always be cherished by all of us. A day to reflect on ourselves, and on the fact that one day, it will be our turn to say goodbye to everyone we've come to know and love on earth, and return to God.
Death is such a reality. We spend our lifetimes worrying about our lives in this world. We worry about school, about jobs, about having nice homes and nice cars. We worry about things that seem to be of such great importance, but in reality, don't have much meaning. Then someone dear to us leaves this world, and it makes us realize that one day, we will leave too. Whatever worldly things we earned in this world won't matter anymore. We will leave our homes behind, our cars behind, our belonging behind, our families behind, our friends behind, our clothes behind...everything, and we will take with us nothing but ourselves.
It makes me think and wonder and reflect, why we worry so much about things that are going to end. Our life in this world is so temporary. Why do we waste it in fighting, arguing, being selfish, and uncaring, dishonest, etc.? I'm thinking about myself here...thinking of how I don't know when it will be my time. What if it comes tomorrow? What if my time comes next month? Next year? We never know when our time will come. The question is...are we prepared to die? I don't think any of us are. I want to ask you all and myself today, to reflect upon our lives and how we're living it. Are we worrying about things that are going to end? Have we forgotten that one day, we too, will leave this quietly, so suddenly. Is making lots of money, having nice homes and cars, etc. true success in life? When I witness death, I feel money, and our dreams of a luxurious life truely has no meaning. We will leave this world all alone. No one and nothing will go with us when its our time. I'm sitting here quietly, tears pouring out of my eyes, as I think about the true reality of life. The true reality. Life is so short. Death is so true. We will all experience death one day. While we all have to return to our daily lives and go on with life, I feel that we should take time to reflect on the reality of life, on death, every now and then. I feel its important, because when we don't remember it, we tend to forget and end up wasting our short lives on useless things that will never benefit us.
Cherish your lives, and the lives of your loved ones, before its too late. This is my message to myself and all of my friends today, as we remember the soul of a Pet Talk friend who so quietly left us. Hug those near and dear to you. We won't be together painful as it is to think of, the fact is, we won't. :( Hopefully one day though, we will be reunited with our loved ones in Heaven if we do our best to live a good, faithful, and honest life in this world...hopefully.
"Every soul shall taste death. And only on the day of resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the fire and admitted to paradise, that person is indeed successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception:" (Quran 3:185)