Living Life Like It's Golden

Jun 08, 2011 20:38

 I'm not dead! But I have moved to another continent for the summer. 

Enjoying the Senegalese everything at the moment--food, music, people (the people are so wonderful!) and the whole human rights network. My french is kind of atrocious and my Wolof is worse, but it's amazing how well you can survive when you have good friends in the city. I'm in the middle of getting a bed, settling in with my internship and meeting up with friends of friends. (I'll try to post some of my own photos soon)

Life feels a million times better. Still don't know what the future holds, but I feel comfortable with where things stand. In the end, I'm happiest when I'm heading somewhere new or back home. Life on the go. :)

Thanks for all the encouragement when I was feeling down


Also, I joined Team Romance and I planning to actually plot, write and finish fic.

It will be quite an achievement if I manage that. I am excited about playing with ideas, but a bit daunted by writing it and feeling really awkward about posting it. I always feel awkward about posting fic though--it's the same feeling I have when I walk up to someone in a bar. My heart is beating, my mind is screaming "No! No! NO!" and a part of me is going "You attention-seeker, this will end poorly." But there's another part that actually sees life realistically and thinks chill out, don't take life so seriously, just enjoy the ride.

That said, this macro (posted by datingwally ) and a million other delicious things are on the sign-up page.

Eames' shoulders = heaven and hell and somewhere in between. They are things of dreams. I just...I...what? He needs to come at me. Let's just all have a moment of whimpering. Or a few hours. I just want to lick them! That other poor bastard. Look at his face--he wants to cry, he knows what's coming. Honestly this pic of his shoulders and back just makes me want to spank him.
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