Since racism is the topic on the table, let's take on a case with a little more weight:
memlu wrote:
I'm trying to find one particular quote that can summarize everything that's horrible about this, but it isn't possible. In a nutshell: six young black men are facing murder charges for beating a young white man (a young white man beaten so badly he was able to attend a social function that same night); one has already been found guilty by an all-white jury after his court-appointed lawyer refused to mount a defense. Naturally the town government is denying charges that racism has played a part.
Read it, then pass the article on, please, to anyone you can, however you can. Contact your local news. Write to your representative. Do something, please.
For anyone interested in donating or providing any other support, here's a list of addresses you may find useful:
The Jena 6 Defense Committee
PO Box 2798,
Jena, LA 71342
Friends of Justice
507 North Donley Avenue
Tulia, TX 79088
ACLU of Louisiana
PO Box 56157
New Orleans, LA 70156
(417) 350-0536
For more information,
please see this post at Pandagon.