Jaga fucking Jazzist!

Jun 22, 2011 12:41

(This wasn't even as good as when they performed it last night!)

So last night was the long awaited Jaga Jazzist show. I can easily say it did not disappoint!

When we first arrived there was barely anyone in line. It also had probably the oldest looking audience of any show I've ever been to (this isn't too surprising, this band is still technically considered jazz) though it's interesting that they all just went to the balcony and sat down, haha. I cannot imagine wanting to do that, but I guess a lot of them probably couldn't help it. But I'd still say there were more people in their 20s/younger ages.

The Troubadour, like I believe it did last time, had the show listed for 8pm, but didn't even open until about 8:40. Considering how few people were out there when we first arrived, it was probably for the best. I'm suspecting it might be a weekday thing, hardly anyone was there on time because with work + traffic it's sort of difficult to get into West Hollywood.

After waiting about 30 min we got an opener, he didn't announce who he was or anything, so I'm thinking it might be the keyboardist's side project, I couldn't really tell since I still don't know most of these guys on sight (to be honest the band consists entirely of  semi hairy white guys with light brown hair haha). It was mostly electronic so not overly my thing, but it wasn't a bad opener, just a little boring for me.

Finally after waiting another 15-20 of watching them drink beer in the upstairs loft thing, they came down and started up.

I had a lot of thoughts running through my head during the show as to how I was going to review it, but I ultimately forgot most of it, and I probably can't put it to words anyway. But a few things, bullet style!

-They are SO MUCH MORE AMAZING live than on the album. Which is saying a lot, they're one of the truly legit incredible musician-type bands that I listen to, their music was always something I loved a lot but I didn't quite get that excited -feeling- when I listened to them, and I think it's due to perfectionism. I mean the Volta do that too, but Jaga is a lot more concise and controlled with it on their albums so you do kind of lose the emotion of it/the improv feeling that's so cool with some of the other groups I'm fond of. But live? These guys are just as intense as any other band.

-Connecting to the previous, Jaga are buildup masters. As much as I love metal, it's a lot of ::epic, epic, epic... MORE EPIC... epic, epic.... SUPER EPIC:: and with that kind of energy you lose the strength of subtle/slow buildups leading to this big crashing backhand of music brilliance. The only other band I've really seen have as great of a handle on this is the Volta.

-Speaking of metal, Tosin and the other guitarist from Animals as Leaders was there! Aaron ran into them at the merch booth while I held our spot. I wish I'd gone with him, since he talked with them a bit, and they definitely like Jaga too. That's awesome, and I wonder if they're going to incorporate some Jaga influence into T.R.A.M.? ^^

-Jaga is surprisingly heavy live. Like veering into straight up rock kind of heavy at times, it really surprised me. I think it's the drumming in large part, that guy gets really into it!

-It was kind of surprising to have the drummer be the headman for the band, maybe he spoke the best english or something. Cool guy though. Anyone who was performing in the front interacted with the audience somehow at one point though.

-One of the most incredible things about seeing them live also is seeing nine guys play like 3 different instruments each at different times. You get so much more of a sense of the layering this way than you can get from the album (you can't even hear the clarinet that's in it sometimes on the album)

-I was really curious what kind of live band they were when it comes to deviation. I'm okay with bands playing their music the same way but I prefer some improv/deviation because it's just so much more organic that way. Jaga totally plays things different/does solos with their instruments. So cool!

-Probably the most impressive and my favorite of the band is the guy who plays alto saxophone, bass clarinet, saxophone, clarinet, flute, AND guitar. That guy is a beast! And I'm not biased at all considering he plays the clarinet, nope. We were also right in front of him, at the end when people were high fiving the band I really wanted to put my hand out to him but it seemed too far/I'm too shy!

-I like all of Jaga's albums (their oldest probably my least favorite since it's the most electronic) and the newest wasn't as exciting as previous stuff to me. Live though? BIG difference. I feel like the newest stuff is made for live, on the CD its like over-saturation, but in person its intense and complex and not overwhelming at all, its damn epic.

-Touch of Evil was probably my favorite of the songs, and maybe Oslo Skyline. But their openers were super strong too. Animal Chin was probably the least exciting, but it's a really old song, I'm a little surprised they played it for the encore.

So at the end of the show the band was actually just hanging out outside chatting with fans. I have never seen that. Usually at shows I go to bands retreat at least a little while and you have to wait around for them to come out. Such a laid back cool bunch of people, wow.

Oh, I forgot to mention we were right in the front on the speakers too! Best place possible at the best possible performance!

All things considered, I'd have to say this might have been the best show I've ever been to. Seriously AWESOME.

concert, math rock

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