011: Amy Acker: Blend Modes ooh Fun!

Sep 23, 2005 20:39


With being names a recent tutor at thevirginsluts i thought id practice being a tutor so i decided to do a tut. So its tutorial time! Ok first I start with my image from AmyAcker.org crop to a perfect square then resize to 1oo x 1oo pixels and sharpern (adjust>sharpness>sharpen). Now i copy my base drag it to the top and desaturate it (adjust>hue and saturation>hue/saturation/lightness set on colorize all on "0") and set to soft light at 52 opacity. This is my icon so far:


Now go back to your base and duplicate it and drag it to the top set to soft light at 100 opacity. This is our icon so far:


Now we make a new raster layer (layers>new raster layer) (note ps users can just add a new layer) and i fill it in with #3F355D and set on exclusion. this is our icon so far:


Now I add ANOTHER raster layer (layers>new raster layer) and i fill it in with #B69C64 and set on soft light at 100 opacity. this is our icon so far:


Now i duplicate my base drag it to the top and set on soft light. This is our icon so far:


Now we make add a gradient from blue to white set on hard light. This is our icon so far:


Now I add a darker blue to white gradient and set on difference. This is our icon so far:


Now I duplicate my base and drag to the top and set on burn. This is our icon so far:


Remember our desaturated image a while back? alrighty go back duplicate it drag the duplicate to the top and set on soft light. This is our icon so far:


Now we add this texture (by aloneinthetown) which I desaturated and set on soft light. This is our icon so far:


Now we add this texture (by yours truly posted here) which I set on Lighten. This is our icon so far:


Now I duplicated the desaturated layer and change the blend mode to burn. And TA-DA! YOU ARE DONE! Our result:


I tried to make it as begginer friendly as I could so if you have any questions just ask!

* i use psp8 but im sure its translatable to ps. (i use ps every once in a million years but it works)
* your icon might come out different depending on the lighting and etc.
*I saved everything as .png which is why its all in good quality I suggest you do the same if you want it to come out in good quality

P.S. id love to see what you all come up with!
if you take the icon credit orchestrachik89. And friend popcorn_bites (where you'll find icons, textures, banners,and much more!)
previous tutorials by orchestrachik89


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