Mar 11, 2004 00:34
fuck trendies man, straight up...
what brings me to this? fucking bullshit that's annoying than a bitch...
bjork is a beautiful artist whom i've highly admired for years, her as a person, and her as a musician.
but now she's becoming belittled to no more than a fucking trend.
hell yeah to all those true to the roots and truly like her because THEY INDIVIDUALLY CRAVE HER and not because their bitch ass friends said, "" and then the next dumb ass, "what's that you like? bjork? who is she, i don't care, i know you like her, so i will to..."
and the next asshole, "beefcake?...oh!! b-yerk?...oh!! ['beeyork'], yeah! i love that magazine...oh, its a person?..i love that man!!!'s a chick?...oh yeah, i knew that..."
fuck man. if anything, that is one reason i'm fucking happy as hell to no longer be a walking victim in the halls of carver. THE PEOPLE THERE ARE TOOOO (forgive me lord) GOD DAMN TRENDY.
where the fuck are the originals?...
-i end this with a long ass-