Dec 09, 2006 20:40
Some things that are annoying me...
My General studies teacher. She has to be the most boring person in the world. She slags off everything. She was slagging off newspapers saying that only men read the Sun and the Mirror for nekkid ladies! To which I replied, "I take offence to that! Then again I suppose I read it because I am a lesbian!"...mwhaha stupid slag! But now my general studies class thinks I be a lesbian!
Another person that is annoying me a lot is my friend Stephen. He has this obsession with Yorkshire and seems to hate anywhere else. He always has to make a point about his accent and where he is from and how great everything and everyone up here is! This usually involves calling southerners bastards. He seems to think all people in the south hate all people in the north. Because once upon a time when he was in London he thought 2 Londoners were taking the piss out of his accent. So in his mind these two people also represent the millions of other people living in the south. Since I have lived here I have had a lot more then 2 people take the piss out of my accent but I am not as ignorant as to assume all of Yorkshire is the same. Twat.
Yes so thats annoying me as well.
Hmmm anything else...
O yes! I went into Game today and got asked for ID when buying a 15 game! I am not to bothered about being asked for ID to play the lottery but to buy a Matrix game...I am 17 for crying out loud!!!!! The dude behind the counter wasn't to imprerssed cos I decided to tell him I was 18...not sure why I said that. I didnt even think about, it just came out like projectile vomit when being rubbed on the back...