Uterorum: second declension plural genitive case to show possession, as they are in fact, my uteri and this is the base of all romance language however NOT one itself ERGO i need not be reflexive and say, "i smoke myself the uteri." Also, i am supposing that it is second and not fourth seeing as if it were forth the phrase would be, "many uterus" versus "many uteri," and really, which sounds better? I think what I am trying to say is fuck you, fourth declension.
I'm not very good at taking pictures of drawins as you can tell.
In other news...the imperial unit system. Why? Can someone explain to me the completely arbitrary measurement of fucking, "half ounce in a table spoon, eight ounces in a cup, two cups in a pint, two pints in a quart, four quarts in a gallon, a gallon and a half in the human body, six billion, six hundred and ninety seven million, one hundred and seventy two thousand, two hundred and eighty seven (as of
RIGHT now) bodies on the human planet..." If there is a viable explanation i will cease all outrage and allusion to the fact that metric makes far more sense; there is no reason that my stupid drinking glass cannot be 250 mL instead of 236.59 mL just to equate with 8 oz. WHO CARES? ugh. Also, America, this is the land of freedom and democracy and other such things, c'est vrai? Why use imperial units then? The rest of the world is way ahead of ya and if you think you are asserting your absolute esprit de corps with only yourself, your complete ~independence~ by using a system essentially no one else does, you are sadly mistaken.
Thank the FDA for approximation of a tablespoon into 15 mL instead of 14.79, a fluid ounce to 30 mL instead of 29.57, and a cup to 240 instead of 236.59.
The only redeeming factor of avoirdupois is the consideration of relative surface gravitational force as opposed to the absolute mass, pluto or mercury, of the metric system. Mass or weight, this is no excuse for the steady tumification of Americans.