Aug 31, 2006 23:59
Sorry for any of these- I haven't listened to some of them because I received a bunch of free songs, and haven't listened to them all.
1.) Put your music player on shuffle
2.) Press forward for each question.
3.) Use the song title as the answer to the question.
1.) How am I feeling today?
Monster Hospital-Metric
2.) How will I feel getting married?
What Heaven Sees In You- Doug Waker
3.) What is my best friend's theme song?
Calling You- David Kimball
4.) High school is?
Drop by Drop- Jenny Frogley
5.) I am...
Goodbye Snowman
6.) How is today?
Worthy to Stand- Tyler Castleton
7.) What is in store for this week?
There Is More- Jason Barton
8.) What song best describes my parents?
It Passes All My Understanding- Cherie Call
9.) How is my life going?
Where Can I Turn For Peace?- Felicia Starks
10.) What song will they play at my funeral?
Abide With Me, 'Tis Eventide- Katherine Nelson
11.) How does the world see me?
I Know He Lives- Tyler Castleton
12.) My friends think...
I'm Beautiful- Aloe Blacc (no joke, that was the next song)
13.)My life lived...
'Give' Said the Little Stream- InsideOut
14.) This makes me happy...
These Are the Days- Tyler Castleton
15.) What should I do with my life?
In Humility Our Savior- Micheal Gabbot
16.) I will be happy when...
Smiles- InsideOut
17.) What is some good advice?
The Whole Armor Of God- David Brooks
18.) What do I think my current theme song is?
Electric Boogie- Marcia Griffiths
19.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus- InsideOut
20.) The type of men/women i like are...
Grace: The Bicycle-Kurt Bestor
21.) How will you feel on your wedding day?
My Holy House- Algie Powers
22.) What should I do with my love life?
Today- Liz Draper
23.) What will your neighborhood be like?
"Feed My Sheep"- Ron Simpson
24.) What will be your dying words?
Forgive & Forget- Alien Ant Farm
Wow, that's a lot of church songs. I need to borrow some CDs. Oh well, I think it worked out well.
Today was the first day of new student orientation. It was fun, and I met a lot of new people. It is late, better get to bed...eventually. :D