The Basics
Name?: Allie
Sex?: Female
Birthday?: March 9, 1989
Location?: Massachusetts
Height?: 5 feet
Hair Color?: Brown
Eye Color?: Green
Post the link where you promoted us: Social
Would you rather be alone, hang out with one other person, or be in a group?: I'd rather hang out with one other person. I feel like it's a lot more fun if it's one on one.
Friday night?: I love going out with friends or having the occasional night in, also with friends. Suffice it to say I don't like to be alone on Friday nights.
What would you say your everyday attire consists of?: Jeans and a polo shirt and a pair of flipflops. Or in the winter, jeans (or cords) with an Oxford and sweater and a pair of Birky clogs.
This or That
Night or Day?: Day.
Cat or Dog?: Dog.
Ugly and Sweet or Hott and Mean?: Ugly and sweet. Hot mean boys are SO obnoxious.
Hot or Cold?: Hot.
Tall or Short?: Short. It's easier to get your clothes tailered than to search everywhere for extra-long pants.
Prep of Punk?: Prep.
Winter or Summer?: Summer.
McDonalds or Burgerking?: Burgerking, but I'd really rather neither.
Hard or Soft?: Soft.
Chad Micheal Murray: He's atttractive but I haven't seen much of the stuff he's in.
Lindsay Lohan: I loved the Parent Trap and have been a fan ever since. Plus she's gorgeous!
Hillary Duff: Lizzie McGuire was a great show, as was the movie, but I'm not much a fan of her singing.
Christina: I liked her first album and then she disappeared and came back with a new image, which I don't like.
Brittney Spears: She's a little too trashy for me, but I love listening to and dancing to her music.
Jlo: Great singer, dancer, and actress!
Josh Harnett: I don't find him that attractive like all my friends, but he's a good actor.
Underage drinking: I've done my fair share of it, but it's really overrated. There's an age limit for a reason, I think.
Gay marriage: Everyone has the right to express their love for someone, so I'm totally for it.
Premarital sex: If you think you love the person, go for it. But if it's just a fling/hook-up, I'm against it.
What do you think classifies a "prep"?: Clothes and mindset. Yes, you need to be able to pull off a double polo and/or a popped collar, but you also need to think like a prep. In my opinion, preps aren't reckless - out at parties really late or doing stupid things. Preps are classy.
What makes you preppy?: I go to a private school in the suburbs of Massachusetts. Just kidding. I mean, I do, but that doesn't make me preppy. I'm really into the whole innocent, do-well-in-school attitude. Plus I know how to pop my collar! ;)
How many pairs of shoes do you have that actually fit?: Maybe 10? Most are flipflops.
What pieces of jewlery do you wear everyday?: A ring with a turquoise stone and a gold necklace with two intertwined hearts on it, and also a red bracelet that says "inspire" on it.
Do you have a cell phone?: Yeah.
Name three things you "can't live without": My purse, lip gloss, Poland Springs.
hat's your favorite clothes store?: Anthropologie, Lilly Pulitzer, J Crew, Polo.
What's your favorite outfit?: My white Lilly polo with my light blue Diesel jeans and my pink and green Leatherman sandals.
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I hope you guys accept me! :)