Today at uni was cool, I feel so poo most days that i can't get out of bed on time but on Friday's i always do because we have East Asian Cinema.
Today we watched In the mood for love by Wong Kar-Wai it's about the same man [Chow] in 2046, I cried about 4 times but luckily i had tissue so it was ok. If anyone wants to come to my house to watch Chinese or Japanese films all day you're more than welcome. They are like crack to me.
"In the old days . . ."
"If someone had a secret they didn't want to share . . ."
"You know what they did?"
"They went up to a mountain, found a tree . . ."
"Carved a hole in it . . ."
"And whispered the secret into the hole."
"Then they covered it with mud."
"And leave the secret there forever."