right-click, save as Instructions
- Download the zip file and unzip it.
- Upload the files to your web space or a free image hosting service (e.g..
Photobucket). - Go to the admin
console. - Type in:
moodtheme_create "Keanu Reeves " "Keanu Reeves mood
theme by herdivineshadow" - Click "execute". You'll be given an i.d. number for your mood theme, make
a note of it. - Open the "moodtheme.txt" file from the opened zip file and replace
where it has "12345" with the number you were just given.
moodtheme_setpic 12345 90 http://www.yoururlhere.com/accomplished.jpg
100 65
(the bit bolded above) - Replace where it says "www.yoururlhere.com" with the url of your web space
or photobucket album. - Copy everything from the text file and paste it into the admin console
and click "execute". Your mood theme should now be installed. - Go to the Custom
Mood Editor page and click on the "use" button next to your newly installed
mood theme to begin using it. - Alternatively, you can also use the custom mood editor to install the mood
theme, but it's probably quicker to use the admin console.
NB: The Keanu Reeves mood theme has one mood icon with a shot of a bare bum.
If you don't want Keanu's naked buttocks appearing in your journal, replace
the "naughty" mood icon with another.