keanu reeves mood theme

Sep 06, 2006 18:56

right-click, save as


  1. Download the zip file and unzip it.
  2. Upload the files to your web space or a free image hosting service (e.g..
  3. Go to the admin
  4. Type in:

    moodtheme_create "Keanu Reeves " "Keanu Reeves mood
    theme by herdivineshadow"
  5. Click "execute". You'll be given an i.d. number for your mood theme, make
    a note of it.
  6. Open the "moodtheme.txt" file from the opened zip file and replace
    where it has "12345" with the number you were just given.

    moodtheme_setpic 12345 90
    100 65

    (the bit bolded above)
  7. Replace where it says "" with the url of your web space
    or photobucket album.
  8. Copy everything from the text file and paste it into the admin console
    and click "execute". Your mood theme should now be installed.
  9. Go to the Custom
    Mood Editor
    page and click on the "use" button next to your newly installed
    mood theme to begin using it.
  10. Alternatively, you can also use the custom mood editor to install the mood
    theme, but it's probably quicker to use the admin console.

NB: The Keanu Reeves mood theme has one mood icon with a shot of a bare bum.
If you don't want Keanu's naked buttocks appearing in your journal, replace
the "naughty" mood icon with another.


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