JShock 2007 o(^.^)o

Jun 28, 2007 14:32

Yushies <3 I've been to JShock 2007 in Köln.
So here is my revieuw of the night <3 I hope you'll
read it all and drop a message o(^.^)o Specially if you
went to the Jshock =D

 J S H O C K      2 0 0 7 
Allright, me and Sayu left at 11 o'clock in the morning. We were both kinda tired and I didn't
felt wel but in the car we watched a movie so the drive was over soon <3 Yay. Then we were
dropped of at the..... eh... JShock Building, hahaha. There was already a long line but Sayu
found Wesley so we got under the ribbens and stood with him <3 hahaha. Thanks Wesley =D
We waited for Ai, who invited me to Jshock. LOVE YOU HUNNAY !! Ah well, when we saw her
at the other side of the road I yelled really hard and we dragged her over the ribbens so she
stood with us. Her dad went away and bought some itallian pizza's for us. When we finnaly
could go in we lost her dad but we pulled eachother through the gate. When we were in we
were amased about how big it was. Here in Holland the events are always really small. We
waited infront of the doors and we went to the toilets. After the doors opend we wanted to
buy AN CAFE stuff because they would sign first. The line didn't move tho so we were to late
to get into the line for their autograph. We wouldn't get it in the first place cause the people
infront of the line didn't move away >.< STUPID FUCKERS. Ah well =D We got really cute
piccies and that's all we need for now <3 After the Signing of An Cafe, Guitar Wolf preformed.
We didn't liked it that much so we went for shopping =D I bough an Antiku cd/poster/tshirt,
a Bis cd/poster and a Girugamesh cd =D Ai bought an Arena37 and she got from both
posters to of them so I got them <3 One of them was Alice Nine and I adoreee that band so I
still love her for that =P hahaha. Then the BIS preformence was. We stood almost on the front
row. Tsukasa was infront of us *drooooooooool* There only was this girl who jumped in
my back and my ribs, a little to hard so I couldn't get any breath at some time. I almost fainted
so I got out the row with sayu (thanks for being there bby *smooch*) I sat in the hall and when
I could finally breath again we went back. Now we stood a little in the back but we could see it
better than before o.O Hahaha. They already had taken of their shirts and the did a lot of
F A N S E R V I C E <3 loveeee. haha. After that we went to the toilet to get some water. We've
lost Ai in the crowd but when we walked over the Visual Kei markt we saw her sitting on the
bar. We went to her and we found out she couldn't handle the people in the crowd to so
believe me: they were horrible =P We had a lot of experience of being in hard crowds but this
one was to bad. They were really selfish. Ah well, we suvived. Haha. Then it was time for
Girugamesh <3 Sayu's fav band of the night. Ai and I went to the bathroom first and then me&&
Sayu went headbanging on the music. Hahaha. My neck still hurts but whatever. Almost the whole
crowd headbanged so it was really funny to see I think. R E S P E C T for Girugamesh btw. They
are amazingly live. I would almost commit a murder for Satoshi's voice o.O Damnuuu. Well, after
that we got ANTIKKU <3 omfgackt we were so excited. Miku really improved his voice =D It's so
much better than it was. He had a panda on his mic standard and it was really cute. He jumped up
and down and he made his grunts, which were awsome. Yuuki isn't that bad either =D He is really
cute in real life. Not hot or something but really a sweet guy. Het let his keyboard fall twice tho.
Teruki made fun of that he was to excited and broke his keyboard because of it. Teruki is a real
cutie. He read German stuff of a paper and he did really good. Kanon's hair was to cute for words.
It was really bouncy haha. He was bouncy to btw and then there is Takuya. Damn he is soooooo
cute and young. Hahaha. He stood back to back with Kanon a lot and Miku came to him a lot to.
He is really a good guitar player =D Miku went to Kanon to a couple of times. One time he wraped
his arm around Kanon and the public went wild. Hahaha. Miku sang further happily but Kanon
smirked evilly. Hahaha. They talked a lot of english and they sometimes tried to speak German. I
really respect their lanquage abbility. They sound better then on cd, live. We jumped a lot and we
never stood still so we were kinda tired after the JShock. We made some pictures of us before we
said goodbye to eachother and started with the long drive home. It was so worth it tho =D
J S H O C K  was an amazing experience =D

Photo's :
Signing: Miku and Half Takuya [click]
            Teruki, Yuuki, half of Kanon, Takuya && Miku [click]
            Takuya and Miku looking down [click]

The rest is coming soon <3

Köln, girugamesh, guitar wolf, an cafe, jshock, bis

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