Jan 08, 2007 22:26
Good loard, I haven't updated my LJ in over a month.
A busy month it's been, though. A couple major holidays. But most importantly, it was the month in which I bid farewell to the magazine and newspaper business and hello to the professional audio and digital musical instruments business.
The offices, as one might guess, are not as swank as Nasté Cond's, but that's okay. I've got dual 17" LCDs and my desk is right next to a $4000 digital music workstation, so what else could I need? Our brew-a-cup-at-a-time robocoffeemachine has better quality stuff in it anyway, and there's a Nespresso device and boxes of Tazo teas too.
My commute takes me about 45-50 minutes, a good deal of which is the walking to and from subway stations. I've found the best route is to get off the B train at 50th street and wend my way through the concourse level under Rockefeller Center, past the rink and through expansive marbled lobbies, finally emerging at Atlas' feet facing the majesty of St. Patrick's Cathedral. It's a great way to start a day, even during the between-holidays week where every family decided to take their families on a daytrip to scenic In My Way. Look, you're not going to buy anything on Fifth Avenue anyway, so why not do your gawking somewhere else. Like back home in Not In My Way.
The new orkers of cows are all very friendly, open, and welcoming. I've learned all of their names already except for a couple of the Indian dudes.
Next door is the company's repair shop for band and orchestral instruments. Often we can hear out-of-tune trumpets being played through the wall. This still represents a vast improvement over the prattling of Magazine Girls.
As for the work itself, I'm going to enjoy it, and I'm going to be damn good at it. I already get the feeling that I'm exceeding expectations, which is great, as long as I take care not to exceed them so much that the expectations get recalibrated and I end up unable to meet the new higher expectations. I'm going to take this site I'm now responsible for, which is a little dated in its look and its features but has a solid technical core underneath (thank gald), and I'm going to make it better. And it's going to make more money for the company, and I'm going to be a Rock Star.
This is a very good thing for me to have done.