(no subject)

Sep 02, 2005 10:49

Im writing one fuck of a story.
Thinking of going to driving school for discount on insurance... 950 for driving school, about 300 a month for insurance... and i dunno how much i get discounted.
Also, you get a good student discount, 3.0 gpa.. which i have!
uhhh... paul mccartney in... 16 days.
I think i need a better job, my uncle never really pays me, its like... pay with other things, almost never a paycheck. And its usually better than pay, but i wanna car godammit.
Hurricanes are going crazy.
Tommorow is friday, looking forward to it. Gonna catch the game, a movie with guys after, then maybe dinner. Ill suggest it. Theres this cafe on licoln that i went to about 2 months ago that i really wanna return to cos it was probably the second hippest place to eat on earth.

Side note, i think its unbelievable what i have to pay for insurance, its probably gonna be more than my lease. what the fuck is that man? These fucking young kids today with their street racing and whatnot.

Hey, nick y., you ever get to read this. Ive been hearing from mark v. about this green civic some big black guy drives. who is it? and i saw that kid john's rsx. im not even sure if you know him but shit, asians and cars always come together =)... you know ted?
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