Feb 05, 2007 00:21
So I spent the night at a friend's last night and ended up having a very odd dream.
For those of you who don't know, I had been growing my hair out for 5 months, and eventually decided it was time for a cut. So, I cut with scissors instead of a simple buzz as I had done for.... well, most of my life. So, now my hair is ... medium length, but longer than usual still.
Anyway, the dream involved me at the barber's to get another hair cut, and this was the Armenian guy I usually go to. Well, he ended up shaving the sides off to give me a mohawk? I guesss, and unfortunately on one side he totally just shaved it to the point of baldness, and I remember freaking out in my dream, like my life was over. Then he looked like he really was up shit creek, and to try and save it, he pulls out a pen and starts drawing in lines. I woke up around then to use the little boy's room, but, I think the point of this was:
Armenian barbers only know one thing: shave em and clear em out.
Or something like that.
Oh plus my desktop computer is back, after months of randomly being the server comp for a hearing aid company. (don't ask... once again, Armenian influences in my life).
Yay armos!