Apr 18, 2005 20:23

i'm just left alone, to be the only miserable one left, and let me tell you i am ready for change. for better or worse, just bring it on... everybody's all off being happy together with other happy people that i don't even know and i'm all left here to be all me-like and stupid.... god, but you know what, if i wasn't me i wouldn't want to hang out with me either, hell i am me and i still don't want to hang out with me

i'm just such a pathetic waste of space it is unreal as to why no one will let me go away... maybe i should catch a hint or just jump infront of a bus and make it look like an accident but now that i've said that i'll probably have to make up an new plan...or considering the fact that no one reads this i could still do the whole bus thing... yes, that is a good idea
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