I've been wanting to get a pair of house slippers - my apartment gets really cold, and the slippers I have now are gross and lumpy to the point of being kinda painful to walk on. So today I was idly looking at some online, and came across something incredible:
Cat slippers! I am bizarrely tickled by the idea of walking around on a couple of cats. (Also, I wonder what would happen if you wore these in the presence of actual cats.)
Apparently these are made by
Happy Feet and there are all kinds of hilarious animals available. I'm impressed that they have some rather unusual choices, like platypus, armadillo, and ostrich. There are also a few disembodied heads-of-animals, which are rather disconcerting.
Oh gosh, the
T-Rex, described as "a majestic and realistic slipper", ahahaha. It looks so excited! I love it. Then there's stuff like the
kangaroo, which looks like a horrible mutant. (Yes, I realize that's supposed to be its baby in the pouch, but yeesh.)
These are all so ridiculous! I would probably never actually wear any of them, but I like knowing that they exist.