So I'm back from Hawaii (got back Sunday night). Wooooo.
As some of you may know, I don't actually like this tropical island "paradise"... in fact, I rather dislike it, ungrateful jerkface that I am. But we went for a big family thing, so eh. In addition to the usual assault of heat rash, humongous mosquito bites, and sunburn, I also got sick and am still getting over the lingering cold. Despite all that, managed to have a fairly decent time, so hurrah.
In other news: Pirate sent me an incredible shirt. Now, I have to say, I have quite a few awesome tshirts. But this is definitely the most awesome, so I have to share:
Then, somehow, it gets even more amazing:
She also pointed me to the
source, which has more of these incredible designs. I find it astonishingly wonderful that there are two versions of each shirt, so you can choose your victor. I just... man, wow.
On a side note, I realized that she hand-tailored my shirt from giant man size to scrawny girl size, just for me! THANK YOU AHHH.
Also, I am in the second week of my new job position as a designer. I am back in the "pit of despair" and I have a nice little spot for myself. And I have a huge beautiful Mac which is so cool.
Yes, that is a RED/BLU mug on my desk, a gift from a friend.
The machine has PS CS5 which takes some getting used to. And it's running 10.6.6 which is a big jump from my home OS. Hmm. I'm still trying out the trackball - I adjusted surprisingly quickly to using it, but I'm not sure if it's better for my hand/arm. Gonna stick with it a bit longer to see if I can determine a clear difference from regular mouse.
Anyway - I've mostly extracted myself from my old work and it's so good. I do have a couple "special" projects which I'm trying to wrap up, and that lingering agony kinda sucks, but soon it will be over (I hope) and then I won't have to deal with that kinda stuff again YAY YAY YAAAYYY. I realize it's still too early to really get a feel for what design work will truly be like, but so far I'm much happier and am optimistic about future developments.
What else... time for some listing, mostly notes to self.
media I have been meaning to write about:
- Transmetropolian (comics)
- Departures (film)
- Leviathan and Behemoth (books)
- Mass Effect (games)
- Ghostopolis (comics)
stuff I want to draw:
- thank you sketches
- anatomy/figure studies
- sphinx project
- a billion other things whatever
Last thing:
Priest movie trailer. Despite the fact that this looks aimed directly at me, I'm quite torn about it. Part of me feels kinda like
this - I mean, it bears virtually no resemblance to the comic, which was grim and disturbing and not WOO EXPLOSIONS YEEAAAHHH. Plus the characters and plot are completely different and wtf are vampires doing in this?? Is it based on the comic at all, or is this some sorta hallucination resulting from someone flipping through the pages in 10 seconds while high and/or drunk? It bugs me a lot. But at the same time, I can't help but think that this is utterly ridiculous and entertaining, and honestly, I can't resist. I am a horrible person.