So, seeing The Last Unicorn in a theater was way neat, even there was a crazy guy hassling everyone outside and the lines were totally mismanaged, and the sound/film cut out a few times. But I still love this movie, even if the America songs are even more ridiculous than I remembered. Anyway, the crowd was really cool and Mr. Peter S. Beagle was there! He was this sweet old man, and I just wanted to give him cookies. He did a Q&A and was generally charming and interested and gracious. So lovely. Also there was a raffle for these new posters and Benedek actually won one, omg. I never win anything in raffles so this was AMAZING. There was a signing afterwards, which as also terribly mismanaged, but we did get it signed and Mr. Beagle was very nice indeed.
On a different note, I just found out about a forthcoming
Burke and Hare movie. The very idea is super exciting to me, but HOLY CROWS LOOK AT THE CAST LIST. Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis, yess. And Tom Cleese and Bill Bailey, aaahhh. And they almost cast David Tennant ADAD;LFKJADFALAK; (It's probably just as well that they didn't because I can barely handle this much awesome in one cinematic experience.) But wow! I am so thrilled. Looks like there's some info on
Empire, including this:
Oh man oh man oh man. I guess the only thing that dampens my enthusiasm about this is that I've been wanting to do a comic about Burke and Hare for a long time, and now it's gonna become all well-known and possibly mainstreamed now. Ah well. (At least people might recognize the reference to them that will eventually appear in MM.)
On a related note, I wonder what ever happened to
I Sell the Dead. I missed this is theaters, and keep forgetting to find it on dvd.