Whether you ride BART, the Tube, the Metro, or some other sort of subway or mass transit system - you'll usually have a raised platform to stand on, while the trains run on sunken tracks below. I've talked to various friends about this, and found that there seems to be certain things that come to mind whilst in this setting.
Poll mind the gapI always feel like the first option. It's not that I'm suicidal at all. But I can't help thinking how ludicrously simple it would be to just plop down in front of the oncoming train. The tracks are right there and there's nothing to stop you! Every day I ride the BART, and each time, I have to fight down this inexplicable urge to jump. It's kinda weird because really, I don't want to get run over by the train.
The other two options were raised by friends of mine, and I suppose each answer rather says something about the individual. So there you have it, mass transit as psychological analysis, or something.
On a side note, I saw the BART mice one time! It wasn't even late at night, just afternoon, and they were scurrying around the tracks. So cute! (I kinda wonder how they got down there and how they survived - maybe some mice fell down a while ago and now there's an entire subspecies of track-dwelling rodents. They're learn to live with the electricity and eventually evolve into pikachus.) There was also one mouse that was, uh, very flat, and kinda dried out, like a little furry tortilla stuck to one of the rails. I guess I should keep that in mind whenever I feel like stepping off the platform.
In other news, I have a lot of things to talk about (as usual), but I'm too tired to write about it all now. Though I would like to remark that it's really absurdly warm right now. Seriously, what the heck is up with this weather?