When I heard we were gonna be in a movie, I was like "FUCK yeah!"

Jan 23, 2006 22:23

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Are eagle_bird and prayer going out? Ehhh, Idon't think so.
2) How tall is angelicportrait? A little shorter than I am.
3) How would kaaytaay conquer the world? With hugs.
4) Does notsupersexy_2 go to your school? Yep.
5) If xfataldesiresx and chocokat1989 were spliced together, what would it be like? FRENCH CLASS, THAT'S WHAT.
6) ohno_ohno's eye color? Uh.. Green?
7) What rank would cherrybomb29 have in a giant robot army? COMMANDER.
8) What do you disagree with venesse about? Certainly not the deliciousness of nachos, that's for sure.
9) Does greenwind have a big secret? Yeah. He's half sea-horse.
10) Is xonium introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
11) Have you ever dated venesse? Nope.
12) Is xfataldesiresx an emo? Totally.
13) Would you make out with kaaytaay? Totally.
14) If tanhuan took over the world, who would be happy? Kitties, and no on else.
15) Does eagle_bird do drugs? Only the drug of sweet, sweet MAN-love.
16) Do you have a crush on tanhuan? Not since she pushed me down that flight of stairs.
17) Where was random_penname born? Uh. In the.. um.. Americas?
18) Does notsupersexy_2 travel a lot? I don't think so.
19) Is smurfy2 related to you? WE'RE COUSINS.
20) What is cherrybomb29 allergic to? Laziness?
21) Does greenwind have a crush on prayer? HAH. Summer.
22) Are xonium and cherrybomb29 married? Perhaps..
23) What is notsupersexy_2's favorite band/artist? Probably some group i'ven ever heard of.
24) What video game does depressedtiger remind you of? ..The Lion King.
25) What is morbidtruths's favorite game? Count The Mongooses, probably.
26) What is xfataldesiresx's favorite movie? EVERY MOVIE.
27) Is eagle_bird a college student? No.
28) What mental disorder does smurfy2 remind you of? Narcissism.
29) Does ohno_ohno drink? Only when i'm around.
30) Where would kaaytaay most like to visit? HERE.
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