Creepy Cramer at the comfort Inn!

Oct 27, 2005 02:35

You guessed it Folks. My boss actually hired Creepy Cramer to work grave yard shifts at the Comfort Inn. Imagine the look on my face when I walked through the door and saw him with that goofy grin and mustache standing behind the front desk,Red Polo shit and all. I wasn't notified but I was scheduled to train him. as I was showing him the ropes I looked over at his note pad and noticed that he was drawing a heart with Robert+Jenny scribbled inside it.
God It is funny, But he really fits perfectly at the Comfort Inn.

I was able to sleep all day before work. I only got up once to walk down to the end of the peer with Alisha to buy a big bowl of clam chowder. There we witnessed the cutest chubby cheeked little boy I have ever seen and the most annoying waitress I have ever met.
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