Nov 05, 2003 18:56
last night Alex and I had much fun wandering around the lower east side. Toys in babeland is a nice if slightly pretensious place. For some reason the proprieter seemed to think Alex was somehow dangerous and not a clearly harmless and creative art student.
We saw pirates of the carribean. My fourth time, and yet... still not at all boring. Alex's first. She laughed with gleeful abandon at Johnny Depp's every creatively funny/dabilitatingly sexy move. He's beautiful... so beautiful I need a much more expressive word.
Today was a pretty good day. My incredibly hot teacher returned to his incredible hotness today. We were talking about Aristotle's poetics... and he said something about making "gramattical sense", which I heard as grammatical sex... cause my mind seems to wander to those places in that class.
And for the first time in forever I actually understood what we were talking about and was able to demonstrate a modicum of intelligence. We were talking about catharsis... and he said something about how he always feels better after a good cry... mmmm....
oh... and by aristotle's standards, Buffy is a near perfect tragedy... particularly season five as a self contained unit.