Mar 15, 2005 16:13
I didnt get the legislative scholarship to Tulane
I didnt get the dean's scholarship to Tulane
I didnt get the Chancellor's scholarship to LSU
I didnt get accepted to MIT
This is sucking a lot
because I spent a lot of time
busting my ass
going to the depths of sleep depravation
spending weekends working on applications
and scholarships
doing everything short of crucifying myself
and for what you ask
for the opportunity to stay here
under my parents eye
and under the same conceptions
people have of me
and i wanted so badly a chance to change
screw money
screw working hard
well at least I can not care
and not worry
whats going to happen?
LSU wont deny me admission
It is a time like this that you can truly appreciate your insignifigance in the world.