Sep 28, 2005 07:50
(That's not code, I'm just pissed)
I lent a coworker a book .... She destroyed it, in subtle ways. The cover is ripped and it's all rippled and puckered. I like my books (regardless of how much I use them) and she shouldn't just puke all over it like that, then hand it back without remorse.
I kinda gasped "What did you do to it?"
She replied "Oh it got something rolled over it."
Hey, I have an idea, why don't you buy me a new one? I decided, however, to let it go as I hardly ever use the book and it wasn't in perfect condition when I lent it to her, but it didn't look like it was a refugee from dumpster.
If one of my books gets destroyed it should either be that way when I bought it, or I should do the destroying from years of use.