Train fare to Chicago$10.35 Train fare from Chicago (weekend rate)$9.00 Parking fare at airport (train station) for two days$12.00 Breakfast with Audrey$21.57 Lunch with Sam$26.95 Claritin (because I was allergic to Audrey)$4.07 CTA card (it worked out perfectly as Sam and I split a fare)$9.00 Total$92.94
I also spent like $3 on a pop and a bottle of water....
It worked out pretty well as a car would've cost roughly the same as train fare in gas, and I might've had to pay parking in Chicago, would not have been as mobile, and it would have been overall more hassle.
i got home around 2 am
if you had called back
you coulda crashed here.
glad you had a good time.
How was it, by the way? Erm, and who was it?
Rockford. the phone
post was one of the
last songs.
it was great.
did you spend 90
Train fare to Chicago$10.35
Train fare from Chicago (weekend rate)$9.00
Parking fare at airport (train station) for two days$12.00
Breakfast with Audrey$21.57
Lunch with Sam$26.95
Claritin (because I was allergic to Audrey)$4.07
CTA card (it worked out perfectly as Sam and I split a fare)$9.00
I also spent like $3 on a pop and a bottle of water....
It worked out pretty well as a car would've cost roughly the same as train fare in gas, and I might've had to pay parking in Chicago, would not have been as mobile, and it would have been overall more hassle.
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