Wow. This still exists....

Sep 25, 2007 16:16

So I see people are still writing in their Livejournals. This completely boggles my mind. I haven't even checked in on this thing since I was pregnant. Now almost 7 months later. I thought to myself, I wonder if people still write in that thing. Well I have no use for this anymore. Although, I would never delete it. It has WAY too many memories from my early years. It's like a whole storybook of my teen years. Now that I am a wife and a parent. I write my daily non-sense else where. I've joined a site called CafeMom (it's like myspace but for moms) and I have a journal on there that I am loyal to now.

Life has really took a turn in the complete opposite direction for me. Being married was one thing, but having a child is definately a whole different experience. It's like being married was just a few steps ahead of some friends here and there, because yeah we were married but we could still do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. Now there is more than just responsiblity 100% of the time, it's a lifestyle change. I don't want to be who I was before. I want to be a good mother and role model to my son. A good example of what a wife should be to a husband and a good example of a friend. These are all things my son will learn from me without me knowing it.

The thing that makes me so sad, in the midst of all this happiness I now have with my family is that my friends can't enjoy it with me. It's like as soon as I became a mother a switch went off that told everyone "Hey, Don't hangout with Laura anymore..Don't even call". I know our lives are different, I know you might want to hangout but think of my child as an inconvience, but I don't need you to be here everyday, or anyday for that matter. A message, a letter, a phone call works just fine. Of course I would love for those who called themselves my friends to meet and get to know my child, but I know he will never mean to you what he means to me. My son and his father are my life now, and if that means they are all I have and will have...well then so be it. I don't mind. They make me sooo happy it's ridiculous. I just wish everyone else could see it.

I guess this will be my final post here. I won't come back to check comments either. I just don't have the time, nor do I really think it's that important. I just wanted to "update" I suppose and let those who once spoke to me on a regular basis know, that they are thought of and missed.

So that is that

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