didn't even edit it, just had to write, just had to...

Aug 20, 2006 04:08


there are several things worth fighting for. war no longer is one of those. people are too intelligent, mobile, stupid, and unstable to control the sort of technology that brilliant scientists invented to sell/give to them to use.
the computer virus model relates almost directly. given the home computer. the computer was not what was invented.

it was one of the first times society made an autonomous tool. in other words, it made something that was more complex than its user. in this very direct sense, artificial intelligence was created generations ago, in the prospect of having complex technology become subservient to idiots. many technological models or inventions mimic the characteristics of the inventor/inventors. these objects are our stamp on the laws of physics, so there's no way we're not going to make that known with style. they are a stamp on reality, reality being culture, and being every active human brain in conglomerate. in a sense, inventions were art, sculpting within the Medium of socio-cultural pragmatism. TOOLS. inventors=artists.
but it went out of control. people started digressing. people had technology that would do something for them, via a loophole in reality, presenting something of an impossibility to the user. in other words, the user is presented with a task: I need light. instead of working to get the fire started, he lifts a small lever that triggers an electronic circuit that gives him light.
imagine this. this person has created light by lifting a lever.
he already has the potential of succumbing to a god complex.
imagine this. the light breaks. does the user start a fire again?
or buy a light bulb.
does the user know where the light bulb came from?
the hardware store......right?


silica, gas, metal, mines, minerals, earth, sun....our light merely IMITATES THE SUN.
you do not go to the hardware store to make more sun, do you?
or do you?

imagine how many things that we take for granted. actually, don't imagine them, imagine life without them. by this, I mean, go all tom hanks castaway style, minus wilson, clothes, electronics...etc.
we are asked that question in school sometimes, to get the mind to work.
why does the mind work so well with this question?
because of how incredibly tainted we are by others. technology is just a stamp on us.

now, this would be a silly ad hominem to assume that I am berating technology. no, I adore it. and also, I, being 20 years old, have been borne into and treated in this society, and there is only so much that the brain can learn. I MUST be subservient to artificial intelligence. to technology.

so, tom hanks, all that junk you don't have on the island with you. that stuff is autonomous.

imagine if slinkies went extinct. we've seen it before, though, right? pogs, yo-yo's, haircuts.
perfectly inanimate objects being animated by us due to the object's method of harnessing our desire to have fun and be like everyone else.....this method is what the inventor created. he created a hook. the yo-yo, which used to be a weapon, is now a childhood PARASITE. ask a kid if he had one. ask a kid if he's ever seen one. LOOK IN THE DICTIONARY. everyone knows what a yo-yo is!!!

the yo-yo is more famous than YOU are.

he's got you beat.

an inanimate object has more power than you. the soldier in war is worth a hundred thousand chunks of national fiat. fiat in itself doesn't even exist. fiat exists as the exact compliment of our national debt to ourselves. fiat exists from nothing. your dollar bill is just cloth. but it's worth something. not only is it worth something, but there are people who collect it to prove that it is worth something. there are actual people who have invented machines to be able to think how this is worth something. there are machines that monitor how this works, and machines that analyze those. and the man running those machines, called a bank clerk....does he understand every single element of what money is?
money is what he holds in his hands.

this idea is everywhere. it has created our fake culture. baudrillard wasn't too far from the truth with his integral reality concepts.
this is where the composer comes in.
the real artist. THAT'S RIGHT. YOU!!!. the person who gets furious. william s burroughs.
the painter. the playwright, the poet, the eroticist.

every part of you is in a quest to no longer be subservient to technology. to dance with technology. to use it as a tool, instead of being so confused as to why you feel the need to masturbate to porn all the time. and that's what I mean, quite literally. we are SURROUNDED by pornography. and I don't mean sexual acts. I mean, in a way-too-specific manner, thus:

PORNOGRAPHY: doing anything and everything as being subservient to humanity's most vile, putrid characteristics. this is then iconified in a few chosen, human beings (called "stars" or "celebrities") who imitate this subservience. then, it runs past reviewers, who make sure it fits the "traditional format" . . . and is sold.

key concepts:

american idol
spam mail

must I continue?

no. but I do conclude with the fact that pop culture is the parasite. technology is the parasite. but if we rip the parasite off of us, we might die, because we need the parasite. so use the parasite and KNOW the parasite, trust the parasite and dance with the parasite.

there's no getting rid of it, folks
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