Sapphire poked her head out of the large gloomy arch way and saw a big hall, all grey and cold metal walls with concrete floor.
Laura: I don’t recall a lot of concrete being used in the Fable universe. Oh, and look! More poor heating.
Danny: Never get your castle built by the lowest bidder.
She was on a high ledge and a ladder hanging from it.
Both: Jump! Jump!
Laura: Do it! You know you want to!
She looked up and saw a huge T.V screen with hobs marching and a big hob standing on a big stand proudly.
Laura: What. The. HELL. TV screens in Fable?!
Danny: Do you need to borrow my paper bag?
She carried on searching for her sisters. She climbed down the ladder. As she walked on the cold concrete floor and saw a big sigh above double doors.
Danny: The doors have ennui. ‘Come on in if you want to. Or not. I don’t really care.’
The sigh had a big yellow hob face with big black letters saying:
Laura: Damn Starbucks are everywhere!
She pushed the double doors open and gasped. She had never seen so many hobs.
Danny: They come for the coffee and stay for the café house band.
She found herself in a canteen with hundreds and hundreds of hobs drinking tea with their little fingers sticking up in a posh way.
Laura: *with an upper class English accent* ‘I say, Cyril, I do so love to ambush and kill unsuspecting travelers.’
Danny: *with an upper class English accent* ‘Yes, jolly good fun, isn’t it?’
She scanned her eyes and something caught her attention. She saw a small girl with red short hair, small pretty features and a red-sleeve-less dress and huge red boots which goes up to her knees. It was Ruby Diamond.
Laura: Get it? Huh, huh? She’s Ruby and she wears nothing but red clothing! Get it?!
Danny: Genius. Pure genius.
Ruby was surrounded by hobs sitting and lying around her, dreamily looking at her.
Danny: Ruby is apparently the distaff Orlando Bloom of the Fableverse.
Sapphire ran to Ruby. 'Hey Ruby, what are you doing here with all these hobs?' Sapphire asked, squatting down to ruby's level next to where ruby was sitting.
Laura: Yeah, shouldn’t they be turning you into one of them as according to the game canon?
Danny: Canon? In fan fiction? BLASPHEMY!
Wide pink eyes gazed up at her, surprised.
Danny: Gah! Laura, could you look up ‘conjunctivitis’ on WebMD, please?
Then, slowly, Ruby pulled a lock of hair out of her mouth, where she was chewing on it nervously, and got her feet to hug Sapphire. Sapphire stood up.
Danny: Just in case Ruby started chewing on her hair as well.
'Sapphire? you're here too?' Ruby asked in a quite voice.
Laura: *as Ruby* ‘Damnit, why can’t I get away from my idiot family for two minutes?’
'Yes! I'm here' Sapphire yelled in a sarcastic voice. 'You thought hat I wasn't here you can do the hell you like without getting into trouble, didn't you?'
Danny: I was unaware that ‘sarcastic’ was a synonym for ‘angry.’
Ruby gave her innocent eyes and shook her head. But Sapphire was not fooled.
Laura: Ruby was a stone-cold liar and had been for every day of her life.
'Listen, Ruby. We got to get out of here. You'll never know…a hob might hit us.' Sapphire hissed, placing her hand on Ruby's shoulder.
Danny: *as Sapphire* ‘Or pull our hair or push us down in the mud or steal our lunch!’
Ruby shook her head, no. 'All the hobs like me.' Ruby smiled. Sapphire shook her head.
Laura: I’m starting to get serious ‘creepy child’ vibes from this kid.
'Okay' Sapphire tried to be serious. 'Stay here and I mean it... I'll g and investigate.' Ruby smiled.
Laura: *as Ruby* ‘Stay with me, Sapphire. Stay with me FOREVER.’
'At least I get to stay with the sligs.' Ruby thought.
Danny: And now they’re in DUNE?!
Laura: I must not read badfic. Reading badfic is the mind-killer. Reading badfic is the little death that brings total obliteration.
Sapphire sighed and left the café. She looked around the hall and saw a dark tunnel.
Danny: I’m starting to see a dark tunnel myself. There’s a light at the end of mine, though.
She walked through the darkness and suddenly tripped on something. She got sucked in a tunnel on the floor, a well.
Laura: Maybe the hobbes should put a wall around that unmarked well. Just thinking aloud here.
Dust kept getting in her eyes and her heart was hitting under her blue sleeve-less top in panic.
Danny: The hobbes, her heart; everything is hitting this girl!
Laura: Me next! Me next!
She tightly closed her eyes and………..
Danny: Ooh, fell right into the chapter heading.
…she found herself in the air, her hair gently wiping her cheeks. She had a feeling of fear while she was in the air for a few seconds.
Laura: The game glitched!
Danny: No, just the author’s descriptions.
When she fell back down, she landed on both of her feet.
Danny: Eh, I always prefer to hit the ground running.
She nearly collapsed on the floor because of the pressure on her feet when she landed. She wobbled a little.
Laura: Looks like all those ‘hard teas’ from the hobbe café weren’t a good idea.
She looked around, seeing metal platforms and grounds, little tepee-like tents with an old, stained cotton look and long poles with tattered flags.
Danny: She fell into an evil Boy Scout jamboree.
She sniffed the air and pulled a face.
Laura: *as Sapphire* ‘Nature is icky!’
"Urge! What's that smell? It smells like scat, rot and poison." Sapphire murmured.
Danny: *as Sapphire* ‘Answer me, Urge, what is that smell?’
She looked up at the sky. "And the sky is disgusting!" She couldn't help adding.
Laura: Must be in Pittsburgh.
She was right. The sky was poisoned by a green and yellowish gas, making the sky a poisoned colour.
Laura: See? Pittsburgh!
Sapphire jumped when she heard someone yell.
Danny: Good, someone’s suffering along with us.
She ducked for cover behind a metal box. She peeped from the box and looked around.
Danny: Metal and stone. Hasn’t anyone heard of wood as a building material in this universe?
She heard another yell. They sounded like commands in an army, the same commands she heard in her cadet army force.
Laura: *snort* Yeah, Sapphire’s exactly the kind of person I would want defending the country from attack.
She stood up; looking around alarmed, then she saw him.
Danny: Zachary Quinto.
Down below her was a man. A man she saw on the game she played, 'Fable'.
Laura: You mean he’s from the same video game as the goblin-like creatures from before? *gasps*
"Parade! Turn left! By the left, quick march!"
Danny: *as commander* ‘Your OTHER left!’
Laura: Dun dun DUUUN!
He was wearing his shiny blue clothes.
Danny: The man goes through buckets of clothing polish every week.
He was standing below Sapphire on a tall, metal platform.
Danny: Attention whore.
In front of him was a huge wide area, and on that area, was thousands and thousands of minions.
Danny: Just minions? Not soldiers or some specifically evil creature?
Laura: Minions: now available from Generic Evil Incorporated!
Sapphire held her breath when she saw them. She couldn't move, she was too scared.
Danny: I can sympathize. Lack of characterization scares me too.
She wouldn't climb down the metal ladders.
Laura: Everyone knows you go up the ladders and down the chutes.
She was only scared, by the huge, evil-looking creatures.
Danny: What? What are they? Orcs? Ogres? Hobgoblins? Lawyers? WHAT?!
"Imagine getting killed by that! That's why I'm not going anywhere near them." Sapphire thought.
Laura: Honey, don’t start thinking now. You’ll only hurt yourself.
Then she felt something vibrate against her leg.
Laura: Wow, she can get cell phone service even in a video game!
Danny: That’s standard coverage with AT&T’s Mary Sue plan.
She looked down and saw her controller vibrating and glowing bright blue and red.
Laura: So… it’s glowing purple, then.
She smiled at it. It seems to be talking to her and knows what she thinks.
Danny: She’s certainly not thinking about that tense mistake.
It looked like it was saying: "Come on. You will not die, remember? I'm always here, as long I'm not more than 100 metres away from you."
Danny: It’s awfully verbose for a video game controller.
Laura: Well, it’s a magic video game controller.
Sapphire took several deep breaths and than gently climb down the ladders. She felt
like she was going be face to face with a large, hungry lion.
Laura: We can only hope.
She watched the minions march by Maze's commands.
Danny: *as Maze* ‘SQUAD! Camp it… up!’
There was two big minions, one on each side of Maze.
Laura: *as big minion* ‘Yo, nobody touches Mister Maze, capiche?’
Sapphire's heart thumped faster and faster and faster.
Danny: While your sister’s getting checked for pinkeye, you might want to have that blood pressure problem looked at.
This was the bravest thing she did so far.
Laura: I guess. She hasn’t really done anything else besides make a wish and fall into a well.
But this is an adventure, so scary or humorous or romantic or sad things would happen. That's the fun of it. (Right? XD)
Danny: Right, viewing public?
Laura: D:
One of the big minions turned to sapphire.
Laura: Cool! You could get big bucks on eBay for a sapphire minion statue.
Sapphire gasped. The big minion nudged the other big minion, than told Maze.
Laura: *as big minion* ‘Ah crap. Boss, we got Mary Sues.’
Although Sapphire couldn't hear them, she knew it was bad about her. They all glared at her while the minion army marched.
Danny: They didn’t like her because she was neither evil NOR generic.
They have spotted her. Sapphire felt all the blood drain out of her face.
Laura: Remain perfectly still. They can only see you if you move!
Without losing a second, she sprinted to the marching army to hide.
Laura: *as Sapphire* ‘Hah! They’ll never spot me amongst these identically generic minions! My blue shirt and hair allow me to blend in perfectly!’
The she realized how stupid she was.
Danny: She’s only realizing that now?
But she was too late.
Danny: No kidding.
Although she was easy to see, she didn't take any risks. She copied the army as they turned and marched and Holt.
Laura: Holt?
Danny: Is that another game character?
Laura: No, I don’t know who or what that is.
Danny: Poor guy must be lost. Run, Holt, run!
She found it easy at first, but it was hard to march and Holt, because she had two legs, not four legs.
Danny: Four legs good, two legs bad!
But Maze watched her march, and he was impressed.
Laura: Of course, he was impressed by tin foil, so it’s not really a big accomplishment.
The whole army halted. Sapphire stood at attention.
Danny: Sapphire, I really got to know. Was this really your plan?
She looked up afraid and saw another big minion, but he was different.
Laura: He was less generically evil than the others.
The minion army lifted their heads up, while Sapphire kept her head low in fear. She was afraid to look up.
Laura: Did she forget that she has that god mode controller again? Nothing can kill her, what is she afraid about?
As Maze waddled to the army one by one, the big minion next to Sapphire tapped on her shoulder gently.
Danny: Apparently this takes place before Maze got in shape for the main Fable plotline.
Laura: Maze is SO fat, he has to walk one by one with himself!
Danny: Zing!
Sapphire tried to look up at him. She was able to look up at him.
Danny: And now she has neck problems in addition to her high blood pressure?
Laura: That’s why I make sure to stretch before and after I game. Sitting in one spot for hours on end can is not good for the body.
"Keep your head up." He whispered in a deep voice.
Sapphire lifted her head. "Like this?" She asked quietly.
"That's right." He murmured back, nodding his head.
Danny: *as minion* ‘Now pout for me. You’re a tiger, a proud and vicious tiger!’
When Maze came to sapphire, he smiled at her. He was impressed with her and he wanted her to join the minion army.
Laura: I’m sure I’d want to be in an army with standards that low.
He didn't know what she was or where she came from, but all he cared was he want her to be in his army.
Danny: No way not investigating whom this person is or where she came from could bite him in the rear in the future!
"New recruit, hey?" He smiled.
Laura: *as Maze* ‘Please say no, please say no…”
Sapphire nodded. "Yes sir." She whispered.
Danny: Where is Gunnery Sergeant Hartman when you need him?
Maze yelled loudly to inform the army.
"To all minions! I welcome you with our new recruit,-'He trailed off, not knowing her name. He bended down to Sapphire's size.
Danny: MINIONS! We must kill Venture!
"What's your name?" He murmured to her.
Laura: *as Maze* ‘It isn’t something cutesy that no sane parent would name their child, is it?’
"Sapphire Diamond, sir." She replied in a tiny voice.
Laura: *as Maze* ‘No really, what is it?’
"SAPPHIRE DIAMOND!" Maze finished loudly.
Sapphire heard a loud cheer behind her. All the army cheered and whistled to her.
Laura: *as random minion* Woo! Take off your clothes!
Sapphire felt pride inside her.
Danny: Along with a little gas.
She felt a hard slap on her back. She turned and saw the face and the minion that looked different and helped her out.
Danny: This is the nicest evil army I’ve ever seen. They’re so supportive!
"Nice one!" He yelled in a deep voice over the cheering.
Laura: Yeah, way to go! You did… what did she do?
He held his hand out, with his nails black and his middle finger smaller then the rest.
Danny: If you catch our drift.
"I'm Bro the minion." He introduced himself. Sapphire smiled and took his green, large hand.
Laura: Bro! Radical!
Danny: Excellent!
"Hey, I'm Sapphire." She replied with a huge smile and shook his hand.
Danny: Theirs was a friendship that would be sung of through the ages.
From that day on, Sapphire trained with the minion army with Bro the minion.
Laura: She waited and plotted for the day when she would topple Maze from his position and rule her army of generic minions with an iron fist!
Sapphire and Bro became very good friends and Ruby enjoyed sitting in the café with the hobs talking to them…and what about Emerald?
Laura: Emerald?
Danny: The other sister.
Laura: There was another sister?
Danny: I guess she was only one intelligent to stay away from this story.
Laura: Wow, she had more sense than we did!