I iz confuzzled!

May 20, 2010 15:56

So basically, I am having huge traumas about if I should actually move back to London or not. I went to my old house yesterday to help decorate and I actually full on burst into tears because I do miss it and having my own home.

I think the problem before was I living on my own, I didn't realise just how depressed I got. Well, I did, hence me moving out, but I put all my problems down to Leicester as a place I think and missed my friends in London, which made me want to move back.

Now I have had a chance to move away and get myself feeling better, I think maybe it was more my living situation. I got so depressed I didn't want to make an effort to go out with people from work, to do new things etc. My Dad thinks I need to learn how to drive and that would make me feel less isolated. He has offered to pay for me to have driving lessons and help me get a car. IDK, he said he just wants me to be happy.

I really miss so much about London, but as my friend Nic said, am I looking at it through rose tinted glasses? Financially, I would probably be better off in Leicester, because my cost of living is so low. Do I really want to risk starting a new job, to be made redundant, the way the economy is at the minute? I just miss so much about London. But if I learnt to drive, the things I love about it, I could probs go off locally and do similar stuff. And lets face it, I am no spring chicken anymore. Maybe it time for me to grow up, I am not going to want to be partying and gigging forever, am I?

I am in a right quandary at the moment. I would definitely have to get a housemate because there is no way I am willing to sink into the place I was at six months, no way.
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