Born on the Bayou - gen

Oct 11, 2007 06:28

Title: Born on the Bayou
Author: pushkin666
Pairings: None
Rating: PG
Words: ~ 2850
Spoilers: None
Locations: poorboyshuffle, papawinchester, my LJ

Summary: Futurefic. There were once many creatures living out in the bayou including the Plat-Eye. In the times after the Demon War an old storyteller tells about a man he once met, a hunter called John Winchester.

Author's Notes: Written for poorboyshuffle community.
Song Lyrics - Born on the Bayou by CCR

Many thanks to varkelton for beta’ing this, her insights and for some excellent suggestions regarding the children. There have been amendments since her initial beta so any mistakes are all mine.

Disclaimer: Not mine more’s the pity.

The beast began to circle me. Each time I tried to get past it to safety it would be there again, fast as lighting in front of me, and those eyes ... those unholy eyes bright in the dark. I'd never seen anything like it and it scared me to death.
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