Jun 07, 2010 17:29

TV gave me a birthday present too - UKTV has been running a Dr Who 'best episodes of all time as voted by viewers'* marathon over the last three days, and I managed to record most of it. I've been gorging on all my favorite episodes that I haven't seen for ages (and fast-forwarding through the Dalek and/or Rose based ones). The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, The Girl in the Fireplace, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, oh my! And all the while they've been counting down and I've been thinking "ugh, no. 1 will probably be the Christmas Special with Kylie Minogue in a maid's outfit on the Titanic". I mean, it wasn't a baaaad episode, but it was very 'Doctor as Jesus', and it's just so overhyped.

I've just hit no. 1. It's Blink. FUCK. YEAH. I'm going to cower under the blanket with my partially restored faith in humanity (well, in that small part of it which watches UKTV and votes for Dr Who episodes) and try and decide if I'm more scared of the shadows from Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Miss Evangelista's face from same, or those fucking stone angels. And stone angels or not, Blink remains one of the the most beautifully constructed episodes of TV I have ever seen.

*Of the new series', of course. Gd forbid UKTV viewers watch *old* Dr Who episodes.

EDIT: If you're interested, and don't mind minor (context-free) spoilers, here is Miss Evangelista's face from half-way through The Forest of the Dead:

And for the lulz, here is John McCain looking remarkably similar:

It's the mouth, I think. Snigger.
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