What is it? What is it? Nasty place, nasty rock and stone... We have been taken, precious, moved and stolen - thieves, precious, taking us from us, putting us here, gollum, gollumWe fell, down down down we fell, and then we fell no more. Oh the nasty fire, how it hurt us, burnt us
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What's it like, hmmm~? Show Ed! :D
ooc; God I love you.
It is so beautiful, oh so beautiful, so many promises and whispers, it understands us, my love, the beautiful precious. Such power, such calm, such peace. We are so lonely without it, so lost.
...We cannot show it to you! We WILL not! YOU will not have it! Never!
Lots of things go missing and stuff, but Ed can help! Silly scary-face thing can have his precious soon~!
Ed doesn't want the precious, silly scary-face thing~! Not 'less it works good with computers. Hmm. Does silly scary-face thing have a name? :O
Soon? Kind, kind human can help us? Would help poor Sméagol? Would not take it from us? Soon, soon? They call us Gollum. We have been called many things, liar, traitor, murderer, but Sméagol has only ever searched for his love.
Hmmm. Shrimp-flavored Ramen could help~Ed should still have some here...uh, hmm...AHA~here we are. Just need some hot hot water and then bon appétit, Sméagol-Gollum~:D
Sméagol-Gollum needs help so Ed can help, okay~? Ein will help too! And maybe Fayefaye. And Spike-person and Jet-person. :)
Shrimp? Boiled in the water, precious? Like fish? For us? We would much rather have it raw, my love, but... for us?
Help us? Why would it help us? It with all its little human friends, why would it be kind to us when Sméagol has not been friendly to it? So strange, so curious, so little sense here, my love.
Hmm, Ed's never had Ramen raw before. But if Sméagol-Gollum wants to try, he should~! Be braver than Ed that way~
Ed knows that people need help sometimes~and if Ed can help, Ed should help. 'cause then Sméagol-Gollum can owe Ed a tiiiiny favor after. Just a little one, not much, maybe just food one day. Ed promises!
Sméagol is brave? Sméagol is good and kind, and oh so brave to his friends, yes, precious, he is! Sméagol will always help, always here to lend a hand!
Favours are tricksy, like promises, like oaths, not ones to be trusted. But if the human is friendly to Sméagol, trusts us, then maybe...
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