Hello there, fellow
poor_skills folks! I read through the rules, but if this isn't allowed, let me know. I'll alter the post.
Little back story: This time last year, I was homeless, disowned from my family, working a job I loathed, and surviving off of graduation money. Then I "lost" that job, found a place to live, but could only afford rent, and had to make an arrangement with my roommates for utilities. Eventually, two months later, I ended up landing two jobs in the mental health field, one working at the Crisis Residence (hereto known as the House) and the other working on a psychiatric floor in a local hospital (hereto known as the Floor). Having jacked up my credit cards due to unemployment and wanting to contribute somehow to my home, I had a massive stack of bills and no money to pay it with. I worked upwards of 70 hours a week, often swing work, not knowing if I was sleeping or working the next day at what hours. One day was day shift, then middle, then two midnights, coupled with a day shift to end it off! So I workworkworked and savesavesaved and eventually paid off all those buggers, and started saving for myself again. Opened up new accounts, planned on buying a house in a couple years, savesavesave, the American Dream lives again!
At the end of April, a position opened up at the House, allowing me to go full-time and receive health benefits. (Also, I got off of swing work!) I kept my part-time position at the Floor, knowing it would look good on my resume as well as my eventual goal of going into grad school. So I kept savesavesaving, and have been able to put quite a bit away. Since mid-May, with my new and improved sleep schedule, I now have time to visit with friends, do some errands, and my life has eventually settled down.
I had told myself back in May to "give it June" to see if I would want to work every single day.
My two-week schedule: Orange is House, Purple is Floor
Now, it's mid-July, and I'm asking myself these questions again. I'm accruing a helluva lot of paid time off, so taking days off isn't the problem. I have been debating whether I want to work per diem or flex (when they call you if they have an opening instead of automatically working certain shifts a week) at the Floor in order to give myself designated days off. From everything!
The problem is that the Floor gives me an extra $350 or so every two weeks. It would hinder my savings a bit, but not too detrimental.
That house I'm planning on buying? Would be in January of 2008, after I have two years of experience at my two jobs and can land a decent-paying job before I go into graduate school. I'd also be moving to a different state. So, theoretically, going flex at the Floor would push me back about six to eight months, but I reconciled that by just renting when I first move and going from there instead of buying once my feet cross the state line.
In order to make my life a bit easier, I decided to make this a snazzy poll. So, fellow
poor_skills folks, what would you do?
Poll To Quit or Not to Quit