Jun 15, 2007 23:31

I just started a new job in's been a few years since I've been in retail and I forgot how standing all day long hurts the feet. My  $12 Payless look-like-athletic-shoes-but-really-aren't shoes aren't working so well. I tried some gel insoles....still not so great.

So I am here to ask you a question with several pieces:

a) Shoes that are comfy for standing/walking  all day


b) Are closed toed, and closed openings, (i.e. Crocs, clogs & sandals = no) but athletic shoes are fine, no need to be dress shoes


c) Aren't going cost me several days worth of working at $8/hour (even better if you know somewhere that sells typically expensive shoes that suit my needs for a good price) --->I know this one might be hard, because sometimes good shoes cost good money ;)


d) Won't take weeks and weeks to ship to me

Also....if you are a retail worker (or just on your feet a lot) and you ended up forking over some money and paid a fairly large amount for a particular type of shoe, and it has changed your life, go ahead and throw it out there and I will do the research and see if I can get it somewhere for a good deal. Really..... don't be afraid of my multiple needs...just toss out the suggestions and I will sort through prices etc.

Thanks! :)


Thanks everyone, I am going to check out some local stores today for some of the shoe brands you mentioned. Continued comments are not needed for me personally, since I am hoping to buy a pair today. But just in case you want to continue swapping information on this thread for a few more pages, as this community is wont to do, I disabled email comments, so feel free to continue voting for your favorite comfy shoe! :) I appreciate all the help, thanks again!


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