Feb 28, 2007 15:03
Ok, I posted this in another forum awhile back with little success, but I'm hoping you guys can help me.
I need insurance - desperately, desperately need because I'm tired of going through loops and months trying to get to see a psychiatrist that works for the county. I need to see someone, soon, and qualified - specifically a psychiatrist, not psychologist, because I've got biological depression/cyclothemia/bipolar II, something around that area, and I need to get it diagnosed and treated properly, since I've gone through 12 different types of anti-depressants at this point with little to no success. Tired of having people guess. Anywho, I called them up and pretty much, I need insurance first, if nothing else because I might not get insurance if I do end up getting diagnosed with bipolar II. Right now it's diagnosed as clinical depression, but apparently that's easier to get insurance for.
SO....does anyone know insurance that covers mental health (psychiatrists), that's cheap? I'm unemployed right now and living with my boyfriend, so all I can afford is the $100 I'll be getting from my parents (and I'll need to use some of it for the co-pay). Also, I think it'd be cheaper if both my boyfriend and I got insurance, but do you know if insurance companies will cover co-habitants? We've been living together for 2 years, if that helps.
Any help you could give me in any of these areas would be really, really appreciated!