
Oct 30, 2005 00:10

woo thats a genius title... tonight i've been drinking with the posh/rich girls in london, there all hot, young and have rich dads and mums for that matter... , seems like a gd combo to me, heh, but to be honest i left them to it when i started getting bored, forgot how annoying 17 year old girls can be. Also i don't have a huge amout of spare cash at the mo, so spending it all on drink seems some what foolish, no matter how entertaining. Don't get me wrong, i'm not skint, just planning my money so i don't end up being skint.

umm went home for a little bit cause i was bored, thought i'd go and say hi, so i did. gave me a chance to read some more of my book and have a gd nights sleep, so that was gd.

umm had a chat to kat on the phone earlier, that was cool, never really talk to people on the phone that often, its nice when its not someone u don't see that often, or ever as the case may be, something a bit more personal about it than msn.

oh yeah went to see the maximo park, the kasiers, and the cribs on thursday, that rocked, i can't help but sing along to the maximo park and the kasiers, damn them and there catchy songs - it was so hot in the brixton acadamy, umm sweaty ;) - it was a cool eve and i was really lucky to get a ticket, especially that last minute :) - so thanks to soph for the invite and letting me know

why when the motorway is empty do people drive in the middle lane? - i've always wondered that, are they fucking stupid? (ok if there doing 150 then thats fine thats not a prob but when there doing 70 and everyone is having to go accross 3 lanes then back again to over take them, just pisses me off... grr...)

fireworks fun next weekend, not sure what to do though, could go to clapham again, but it means using the shitty tube, and i might get flash backs from last year, which wouldn't be gd (though i still can't believe that was a year ago, freaky...) - other than that i dunno really, i just think fireworks are neat - so anyone with any ideas for what i could do, that won't cost me more than 10ish quid, let me know, i'm willing to listen to all and any suggestions :)

anywho, i'm slightly drunk and quite sleepys so i might crash :)
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