Oct 05, 2005 20:20
got the net back at last, kinda sad how much i missed it, well not like i miss people or anything, but i missed its convenience, as alot of shit i do is web only, like bank accounts and stuff - but hay gd excuse to spend more money :)
i also forgot what a totally time wasting evil monster the web is - i got back from my fecking boring field trip thing at about 6.30 - and i've been sitting here since doing nothing of any use or even remotely constructive in nature - oh well - i'm pretty busy at uni this year so shouldn't be able to waste too much time on here.
i've grown not to hate this part of west london so much now, having a car, it kinda makes more sense, can't be arsed to explain, but combined with my new flat and having a car, and my attempts to be more sociable, i'm pretty happy, and things are going well - strange how things work out some times.
shit just noticed i got to hand in my placement year form - other wise i'll get all the shit jobs in skank parts of the world - northern Italy, Italian design company, that happen to speak just english - my ultimate scenario ;) - don't think its gonna happen some how :)
i gots some shit for my comp the other day to, some new speakers so i can be that one annoying flat mate that all shared properties have, and a usb hub and a big ass long cable - all very handy but it sucked that it set me back 100 quid - BLaH
Woo lost tonight - sweet, its getting interesting :)
anyways i'm off to drink more beer till lost comes on, kinda hungry to so food sounds like a plan - might go chat to Constantine, cause he's cool and speaks Russian - and has an awesome name:)
Laters yawl