May 13, 2005 20:05
decided to delete my last post as it was dumb....
i've just got home, still gonna go out tonight, but not to activly get wasted.
my fluffy material for frank is here.... humm got quite alot really :) - that should keep me amused tomorrow - no doubt it will just end up with my mum making it when i start having a hissy fit at the sewing machine - i shall have to arrange a fitting for that to make sure the arms and legs are all hemmed to the right length and stuff. well i think i'll concentrate on making it first.
I think one of the reason i've been a bit touchyer than normal this week is cause i haven't been naughty for like a week, had company last weekend and this week due to certain events i've lost my thing to think about, one of my strange mental rules, not aloud to think about people who are accounted for, if u get what i mean. Tried looking at a certain selection of pics the other day, and i just couldn't, felt wrong. (couldn't delete them either to be honest) I dunno, my self imposed rule might seem a bit odd to some, but its a respect/self preservation thing and i try and avoid breaking it if i can. Now i'm home i may be able to relax as i have the internet, with out all the annoying blocks unlike at uni, but in general that usually doesn't do much for me... humm sure i'll live though.
well i best get washed and stuff as i'm stinky and have been for a while now, been waring the same clothes since monday - its just wrong and skank - ewww....