Jan 18, 2005 16:16
+ my women and pop culture prof asked me to present my project in lecture. she thinks i'm a wonderful student, which is not a good thing AT ALL. high expections.
+ good dinner
+ events i'm planning for the women's centre is slowly coming together
+ lots of things to do this weekend (workshops, films, dancing)
+ awesome potluck and dancing this past weekend. good times.
+ very satisfied with mid term grades.
+ napoleon dynamite
+ been reading lots
- thinking about another piercing (septum, perhaps?)
- room is an utter mess
- my computer is eating itself up. memory....dying...
- as always, very stressed out
- it's so cold
- constantly fatigued and sleepy. in all seriousness, i think there's something wrong with my body
to do list:
- learn to knit socks
- learn to knit hats
- learn to crochet
- improve sewing skills
- begin women and pop culture project
- clean room
- drink 8 glasses of water a day
- dance
- rest