Jan 15, 2008 03:32
As you may know, I live in Pennsylvania. And as you also may know, I'm not happy about it. I am happy right now, though, because recent events have come to light that make it look fairly likely that I'll be back in St. Louis for good before too long. It's to do with Randi Marie's job. I don't know anything, I'm not allowed to know anything, and if I did, I couldn't say anything, but I trust that she knows something, and what she's telling me is that--while nothing is for sure--give it a couple of months and we'll probably be back. Some things spinning out of this:
*It's, right now, 3:38 in the morning. I'm so excited I can't sleep.
*I told my parents this evening, and they seemed pretty excited about it. My mom cried, though not because she was happy I was coming home. She was afraid I didn't miss her cooking. I don't but I didn't tell her that. She's not that good of a cook. She is a pretty good baker though, and I do miss cookies and pies and what not for all the significant days of the year.
*This is one of the big things: I told Randi Marie when this all started brewing that if we ended up back in Illinois that it was probably time (read: that I was finally ready) to start trying to get pregnant. To be honest with you, I'm probably ready now, except out here all by ourselves, who's going to help us? Back home, with our families, that's not going to be an issue. We also decided this evening that we didn't like our default boy's name that we've had for a few years (Conor Murphy) so we looked through the book. Problem is, we don't have a baby name book so we had to look through my Marvel Comics encyclopedia. She likes "Cage" as a first name (from Luke Cage) and--astonishingly--"Quasar." I think Quasar works better as a middle name, since everyone likes people whose middle initials are "Q." Also we like "Max" which I stole from Superman villain Maxwell Lord, but she doesn't know that. Maxwell Quasar Penny. There'd be no stopping a kid with that name.
*I've decided that when we get back, I've decided I'm going to make an effort to get people to visit us wherever we end up living. I've never been a very good host, but the whole time we've been out here, the only person we had in our apartment was the cat-sitter, and I've really felt the lack. We got a Wii, so that lends itself to people coming over. And I'm thinking about learning to mix drinks, because people like to drink. I mean, I know how to make, say, a Rum and Coke. I'm good at drinks where the name of the drink is all the ingredients in it. But I don't know what's in more than like ten drinks, and I don't know any of the requisite skills at all. F'rinstance, I don't know what a martini shaker does, other than somehow make martinis.
*I want to see my friends. All of them. A lot more than I did previously. I want to know what's going on with them. I've been trying to keep up on the internet and it's damn near impossible. If I've got to get up off my ass, if I've got to get out and do things, then so much the better. That's the kind of person I want to be.
*When we get back and settled, I'm getting back in school. And no matter how much I hate it or how bored I get, I'm staying in school until I'm done. I've seen what it's like when we try to move up in the world without my help. I don't care for it. With a degree, I can teach anywhere I want. And I will always want to be home.
There's more, but I can't think of it. Stay tuned.