Nov 05, 2004 00:05
Here's the huge bite I have just taken out of the turd sandwich of life: About this time last year I knew a person who worked at a very popular department store. This person told me to come in and claim a gift card that had been left there and had been sitting in the lost in found for a month or so. I went in to claim it. There was approximately $350.00 on the card and I turned around and bought a digital camera with it the next day at another branch of the same very popular department store. So, last Monday I took a polygraph test and while going over the questions before I actually had the machine hooked up to me I was asked "Have you ever stolen or helped someone steal money or merchandise worth over $300.00?" Well, this aforementioned event popped into my head and I spilled the beans. They want you to be honest, they don't care that you've commited crimes, they just want you to be honest. Well, I always try to be an honest person. It turns out that the false claiming of the card was only petty theft but the actual posession of the camera is a felony. I am in posession of stolen property and that reflects badly on my integrity. Thus, I am no longer under consideration for hire by Oxnard Police Department. I may be able to apply again in a couple years but for now, I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. I'm thinking military, maybe. Don't freak out, I haven't enlisted or anything, I'm just weighing my options. Maybe law school, who knows?