Oct 16, 2003 23:59
The Beastie Boys and Josh Feldman brought back in time to a place I have not thought about in years. Age eighteen and my first kiss. Yes, I was eighteen. I was a late blooomer, give me a break! Natalie Kiunke was her name and being cute and sweet as all get out was her game. I've kissed a few girls since then but I will never forget that tender, innocent moment. I'd dreamed about it for years, the anticipation almost killed me. She was dropping me off one late summer night and as we were saying goodbye I leaned in and my lips embraced hers. Slightly opened, no tongue, we stayed there for a brief time. I remember it still, exactly. It was magic. Did any one see? I hope to God not! My first and our last. I think I scared her away. I really liked her but nothing happened besides that night. I really would like to feel that again. It's been almost three years since I've been kissed and I really miss it. Just to hold hands would be exceptional.