(no subject)

May 07, 2005 15:30

Wow when was the last time i updated this thing, a month or so i beleive. Well i'm doing pretty good. Well the biggest thing is i finally got my car on the road. Insurance is gunna be killin me. i had to put 600 down and its 189 a month! for a fucking 89' cavalier...convertible that is ; ). But ehh its alright. i was haven troubles with it for the first week but i did some minor adjustments and it's runnin real good. knock on wood. Anyways, ive been going to the gym alot more now considering i can drive up there. Im gunna get into a good schedule. this summer im gettin into some major shape. i wanna look good my senoir year. yup yup. School is shitty though, my grades are terrible, i need to start to get them up, im failing 2 classes, so im gunna start studein more, then next year i wantt o approve. Hmmm dad is doing good. he is one of the boston hospitals. i forgot the name of the hospital but its pretty nice. he did 40 steps with the walker which is really good. i havent been down there in awhile but i might go this week. So today was seamus's 4th birthday, we just had a lil get together with family, his bi party is probably going to be in a few weeks or so, when my aunt comes down from ireland. So tonight i have to work, which is crap cuz i have to leave in like 2 hours. i work 2 nights one weekend and 1 night one weekend, which kinda sux cuz i really cant go out and do stuff, but im tyren to swap shifts with someone who wants to. tommorow is mothersday, idk what im goin to get my mom but i need think fast. i know she is goin out druen the day so im gunna watch seamus, then me and my courtney are gunna hang out : ). and thats about it. thats my life in this 10 sentence paragraph. i'll update next month or so. unless something amazing happens.

the one and only Sean James Currie
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