Dec 22, 2003 11:01
I finally get to go with my mom to get my tattoo!!! I am so nervous tho!!! I cant believ that my mom is getting one too tho! (LOL) My weekend was good. I hung out with don on friday cause it was his birthday. We got to go to Buddies for pizza. And it snowed!! Then it all went away :( Lastnight and Saturday nigt was fun. I hung out with gregg and holly. And I finallygt all my Chistmas shopping done! Other than don's. I will get it.Chrismas is in 3 days and my gradparents are commin tomorrow. Yeah. that meas I dont get to slep in my own bed for a while! (Joy) I am so not excited. But o-well!!! I have to go tho and gt really! Wish me luck with the tattoo!!!