Feb 13, 2006 00:04
As I sit in front of the computer, at a time that I should be gone to bed, hoping that I'll have a snow day tomorrow, I've come to realize that I have yet to talk about my internship. I'm in the midst of one of the biggest/most important times of my life and I don't even bring it up. I am in front of LJ almost every single day but I never post. Here is a vow...I vow to post more often. Did you expect Shakespeare or something?
Ok, here goes...
The internship is going really well. I can honestly see see myself teaching for a long period of time. At this point I'm not sure if I can do it for 30 years but I can easily do it for the time being. I love teaching theatre. That is something that I know I could do forever (provided that I got to perform every once in a while). I did a unit on improv. It went over really well. I'm a lot harder on students and I expect more from them than they expected, so a lot were disapointed with their report card grades. So it goes.
I am currently working on two different shows. The first with the morning class is called "The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch". Its a cowboy spoof. The class is massive (34) so I decided to double cast it. This way all of the actors get a good role. This is not a competive program. Everyone has the right to a good role. It means that I will be going crazy but it is worth it.
The second play is something that I am really proud of. I wrote a fake internet news article about a school shooting. I came into class looking upset, sat everyone down and told everyone that there had been a school shooting earlier in the day in Fort Wayne Ind. I read them the article (and almost brought myself to tears) and asked them to discuss what the thought about it. Why did it happen? ect... A few of the students cried, it was a very real experiance. Then after a short discussion I told them that the article was fake and that this was going to be their show. They are going to write a play based on the article. Who is affected by the shootings? what action will be taken? How do people feel? A few students were rightfully upset with me for betraying them but for the most (all in a few minutes) got on board and really got excited. The play is going to be similar to The Laramie Project and I will have little say over what goes on. I'm leaving it all up to the students. They will decide what the parents and the students think. They will write everything. I will simply help shape everything and tighten everything up and offer suggestions. I think that this is something that the students can walk away from and be proud of being a part of it.
Note: I will update more after I have a meeting with the school board offical who loves the idea and wants us to possibly tour the local schools.
Aside from that I am teaching "Cause and Effect" essays in a writing 2204 class and A Midsummer Night's Dream to my 1201 english class, and an author study on Stephen King in my 1202 english class.
Soon I'll be teaching a unit on Sex in Human Dynamics. Who out there would not want to learn about sex from me? I'm sure there are a few girls out there that know I am not one to be giving lessons on sex...I should be the one taking the course.
Other then that not a lot is going on. I am watching Band of Brothers with my dad which is kind of cool. We have a nice bonding thing going.
Oh, Shannon warren and I are trying to get an improv show off the groud in teh near future. If it works like we are planning it may be one of the funniest shows ever!!! EVER!!!!!