Oct 12, 2005 22:09
when did the value of life decrease? when did people stop caring about
what the next day will bring, and what could come to give them
happiness? how come no one values the greatest thing this planet has to
offer? life is the greatest gift that we as human beings could be
given, and people neglect it and have no care for it. its a depressing
time when someone gives up and loses lifes value. the effects of those
around you, no one thinks of how it would effect family, friends, etc.
no one knows afterwards, they have no idea. they just think that it
will all be ok after they're gone, but they're wrong...wrong....its not
ok, and it wont be ok, because its over now. theres no resetting it,
once its done its done, its the final solution, and youve accepted it
as your fate, but you forgot to think if those around you have
"Don't turn your back on me, don't ever let me down"
She said, "I picked you up each time before you hit the ground
Your selfish face is now erased when someone mentions you
And the darkness that you left is overstepped aside
Will disappear in clouds, the sun arrives..."