
Jun 03, 2010 20:52

Being a mum is one of my biggest goals/dreams! It's not for everyone, or all couples, but it was something that I always held onto.

I knew that with deciding to have a mortgage, and after spending time getting to where I am career wise, that being a permanent at home mum for my children before they go to school was just not going to be possible.

Some people are fortunate... they are able to be supported by a partner for at least the first couple of years of their children's lives to stay at home, or (sometimes they have to or choose to) go on a pension. It's sad when people take their chance to be a stay at home parent for granted.

Circumstances change, and that's just the way life goes. I am not upset about it, because we can always reconsider our options, and make decisions that will benefit the life we can provide for our kids.

We have been placed on the waiting list for a really great child care centre. It is located really close by, and has such great hours and benefits for the children who attend. And it looks as though we should definately get a place by the time we need it. But with all the discussion we have had in the past week, we may not need everyday care after all.

Simon and I have considered the possibility of Simon going back and studying at uni, and we have been talking about how, once bubs is here, it is the ideal time as bubs won't have to be in child care everyday, and he can be a part time dad at home and study full time as well. The idea of not having to place bubs in day care for all the hours we both currently work, really sounds great the more we think about it. We would lose out on a large slice of income which Simon brings in, but, we would have less to live on if I were to go part time.

Not an absolute decision as of yet, but something to seriously consider. I know that he is going to be a fantastic dad, and if it can't be me, then I am delighted at the thought that our bubs will have time at home with his daddy. 
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