*cHiCkEnhEaDs wAnNa pLaY wiTh Me..u gEtTiN mAd cUz u tHiNk iMmA sWaY**

Feb 12, 2005 12:13

MaRcUs i LoVe yOu aNd jUsT kNow tHaT iM aLwAyZ hErE fOr YoU..ALWAYS♥

Your Passion is Yellow

You're a total sexual shape shifter.
You possess a complex sex drive and are very adaptable.
Of all the colors, you are the most likely to be bisexual.
While you the most passionate, you are very open minded.

What Color Is Your Passion?

1.YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Name of first pet + Street you live on):
magellin snapdragon

2.YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (Name of your favorite snack food + Grandfather's first name):
dorito claudio

3.YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME: (First word you see on your left + Favorite restaurant):
roget olive garden

4.EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS: (Favorite Spice + Last Vacation Spot):
salt hawaii

5.SOCIALITE ALIAS: (Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied):
caty imperial

6.FLY GIRL ALIAS: (aka J.Lo) - (First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name):

7.ICON ALIAS: (Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen):
apple heineken

8.DETECTIVE ALIAS: (Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Went to High School):
puppy southwest

9.BARFLY ALIAS: (Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink):
chip smirnoff

10.SOAP OPERA ALIAS: (Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived):
mariel mesquite

11.ROCK STAR ALIAS: (Favorite Candy + Last Name Of Musician):
baby ruth spears

12.LOVER ALIAS: (Favorite Baked Good + Last Bf/Gf Last Name):
brownie martinez

13.GREASE ALIAS: (Favorite Swear Word + Last Word of Favorite Movie):
cunt roxbury

Sagittarius Kissing Horoscope

Your kisses are surprising, spontaneous affairs that leave the kissed wanting more.

Your Relationship Potential: It could be a fun fling, or it could be the love of your life. Sample your free reading for more details.

What's Your Kissing Horoscope?.

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